11824  80th Avenue East

Puyallup, WA 98373-4761



Like challenge of solving problems




Washington Mutual Bank Seattle, WA

(contract via Cordada Group  Bellevue, WA)


Summary:  WaMu:  Developed Smalltalk loan application that was deployed to all their branches. Task was primarily maintenance of existing system. Visual Smalltalk:  Interface developed using Digitalk’s PARTS Workbench which allowed layout of components via visual (event) links to build components which can be nested. This allowed very easy and rapid development of visual interfaces for small systems. It also meant it made a complex mess for larger systems. WaMu’s loan system was of the latter category. It was deployed to all branches and literally took 20 minutes to boot. Upgrade: Main task of six month contract was to maintain, debug, and upgrade existing system. Java: Because of sluggish Smalltalk system, I suggested WaMu explore conversion to Java. Suggestion was ignored.


  1. Upgrade development for Washington Mutual Bank’s Visual Smalltalk-to-DB2 client/server loan application.

  2. Maintain and debug PARTS Workbench code used to build visual interface.

  3. Suggest conversion to Java because of 20 minute load time of large Smalltalk image.


Skills:  Smalltalk, OS/2, DB2.




Tellus WebWorks  Seattle, WA

Founding Partner/Smalltalk Developer


Summary:  Tellus WebWorks:  Startup aimed at online classified ads. Classifieds: Develop agent to assist in automobile search. Newspaper classified ads list specific cars. Salesman on car lot will suggest alternatives. Ex: Customer wants 2007 Green Chevrolet. None on car lot, but salesman might suggest 2008 Blue Ford. Similar year, color, make, price, functionality. Online app was aimed at latter approach. Target was media outlets looking for alternatives/supplements to existing newspaper classified ads. Fuzzy Logic:  Use fuzzy logic to build meta-models of cars. Customer enters info for specific car … which is mapped to meta-model … which, in turn, maps to specific, available vehicles. Fuzzy code written as C++ DLL and embedded within Smalltalk of GemStone database. This provided “intelligent queries”. Skills: Visual Works Smalltalk, GemStone object oriented database (also Smalltalk), C++, CGI, HTML, Unix, Windows NT.


  1. Integrate client-side Java with both server-side Visual Works Smalltalk and GemStone 5.0 object oriented database, for internet online classified ads.

  2. Embed fuzzy logic C++ DLL within GemStone OO database to handle fuzzy database queries which provided intelligent query system allowing users to specify fuzzy concepts when querying a database, such as, … “a recent economy family car with low mileage that is near my home.”

  3. Convert C code to Java. Prototype VisualWorks Smalltalk server running under Windows NT which processed CGI requests via a socket connection from Unix client.

  4. User interacted with HTML pages, but complex processing handled by Smalltalk server.


 Skills:  Java, Smalltalk, GemStone OODB, C/C++, HTML, CGI, Fuzzy Logic.




Kangaroo  Seattle, WA

OO Architect/Analyst/Smalltalk Developer


Summary:  Kangaroo: Startup with patented push technology for updating software via internet. Architect framework to implement patent. Analyze design alternatives … and Java vs Smalltalk implementation. Co-author white papers. Build relationships with vendors. Build prototype.


  1. Architect framework to implement patented push technology product for updating software via internet.

  2. Establish and justify design alternatives.

  3. Analyze strengths and weaknesses of Java vs. Smalltalk implementation.

  4. Co-author white papers on topics:  overview, architecture, problem definition, specifications, features, use cases, database, graphical scenarios, productivity tools, object oriented perspectives.

  5. Build relationships with consultants and vendors.

  6. Help correlate technical and business goals.

  7. Build Prototype.


 Skills:  Smalltalk, Java, GemStone, Objectivity, WinNT.




CAP Gemini America  Seattle, WA

Principal Consultant


Summary:  CAP Gemini: Both developers left in middle of City of Seattle project. I was hired take over, continue development, and deliver project. LCS:  Labor Collection and billing System was online app to gather daily hours, tasks, comments, etc. for City of Seattle employees. Status:  Decipher existing code using Kent Beck’s Object Explorer, build new development team, mentor personnel, and develop Brown Bag Seminars to educate client personnel. Deliver on time. Ameron:  Develop engineering and estimation prototype for pipe configuration system. Nike:  Convert spreadsheet sales data to web version that provided online access for about 20 European countries/locations. Prototype system in Smalltalk. Implement in C. Parse input files and insert HTML tags. Generate over 300 HTML output files. Evaluate potential of Java. Evangelize:  Promote and educate about advanced technologies with CAP Gemini … endeavor to build vendor alliances.


  1. Take over and deliver OO Labor Collection and billing System (LCS) for the City of Seattle, using ParcPlace VisualWorks Smalltalk accessing Oracle database.

  2. Mentor apprentice personnel in Smalltalk and Object Oriented Development.

  3. Develop Brown Bag Seminars to educate client about technical issues.

  4. Develop engineering and estimation prototype for Ameron Corp. pipe configuration system, using ParcPlace VisualWorks Smalltalk accessing Oracle database.

  5. Prototype system for Nike to convert spreadsheet info to intranet that provided online access to all their European sales data. Prototype with Digitalk Visual Smalltalk, and then implement in C.  Parse input files and insert HTML tags to convert text data into web pages.  Generate over 300 HTML output files.

  6. Evaluate potential of Java.

  7. Promote and educate within CAP Gemini regarding advanced technologies and endeavor to build alliances with major technology vendors.


 Skills:  Smalltalk, C/C++, Java, HTML Oracle.




U.S. Army Information Systems Command Ft. Huachuca, AZ

Advanced Technologist


Summary:  USAISC:   On staff at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. Author papers and perform analysis to support Army Information Systems. Status:  Integrate multiple technologies into client/server system that provided graphical UI to status of Army communications worldwide. Perform knowledge engineering, analysis, design, coding, testing, documentation, and training. Emails stripped and parsed. Expert System to perform analysis and interpretation. Results emailed to Army personnel who then viewed via Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook application. Instant access to visual data, rather than two week delay for manual analysis. Awarded IEEE Engineer of Year for this work. Manpower:  Prototype to access, display, and edit Army manpower database in Windows 3.1 as alternative to UNIX version which had experienced problems. KnowledgePro programming environment combined with expert system to build data rules as opposed to procedural UNIX version. SQL calls via DDE.  Author: Convert Army Long Range Planning document to hypermedia electronic format using KnowledgePro. Generate dynamic links rather than static HTML links. Author 300+ page Tech/Standards volume for Army Information System Architecture series.


  1. Integrate object oriented, expert system, multimedia, communication, and database software applications in a client/server configuration to provide intelligent graphical user interface to Army global communications status.

  2. Perform analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation, documentation, and training.

  3. Strip and parse incoming emails using Visual Smalltalk, inferencing via DDE connect to Eclipse++ expert system, persistence via DLL connect to dBase database, email results to Army personnel.

  4. Use Multimedia Toolbook to create viewer for emailed files.  Awarded 1992 Ft. Huachuca IEEE Engineer of Year for this work.

  5. Result was instant access to visual representation of data, rather than two week delay (which manually did analysis to produce hardcopy).

  6. Rapidly prototype application to access, display, and edit Army manpower database under Windows 3.1 as alternative to UNIX version which had been experiencing numerous problems.

  7. Used KnowledgePro, which is a Microsoft Windows programming environment combined with an expert system, to build data rule input templates as opposed to procedural approach under UNIX version.

  8. SQL calls to database via DDE.

  9. Convert hardcopy of Army Long Range Planning document to hypermedia electronic format using KnowledgePro for Windows.

  10. Generate dynamic hyperlinks via KnowledgePro expert system, rather than static HTML links.

  11. Author 300+ page Tech/Standards volume for Army Information System Architecture series.


Skills:  Smalltalk, DDE, DLL, dBase, Asymetrix Toolbook, Windows 3.1, Unix, KnowledgePro, SQL, HTML.