11824  80th Avenue East

Puyallup, WA 98373-4761



Like challenge of solving problems




Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) is a retail water provider serving 185,000 customers within a 47 square mile area. A Silverlight app was built using Bing Map to allow users to locate requests. GIS to Reverse Geolocate map point/street Address. Convert ESRI Shapefile to SQL Server 2008 Spatial GML format using Shape2SQL tool. Implement algorithm, using polygon created from boundary points, to calculate if an address lies within or outside CVWD Service Area.




For Redlands Institute, work on decision analysis UI to interface complex environmental systems with GIS.

Create app for Capstone Metering to monitor and manage smart water meter. Create Pushpins and Info Popups on Google/b> M Map via Google Flash API. Live WebCam.

Build rich interactive mapping application for University of Washington campus to locate and plot assets and link to databases for tracking, maintenance, deployment, and monitoring. Convert OpenLaszlo + b style="mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">GoogleMapb> … to Flex/Flash/ActionScript + ESRI Maps. Convert Flex … to Silverlight + ESRI Maps because of performance (Flex single threaded vs. Silverlight multi-threaded). Modify Basemap to incorporate both ESRI and Bing mapping. From parsed XML, render Points, Lines, Polygons on Map Layers t to represent features such as trees, bollards, water/sewer/high pressure lines, buildings, parking lots.


Skills: Bing Maps, ESRI Maps, ESRI Shapefiles, SQL Server 2008 Spatial, Shape2SQL, GIS Spatial Data, Google Maps.